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Donate Us

It is notable that all these services have been provided totally free of cost through some times succeed to gain financial help for the ongoing organization but not regularly as such our organization is really facing hardship to continue its services. If you consider it an essential task and think it should be continued, then you are kindly requested to extend your co-operation towards the really deserving welfare organization.
Please send your zakat/donation to:

Account Title: Karwan-e-Khair Welfare Organization.
Account No. 0063 - 00151905 - 03
Bank: Habib Bank Limited.
Branch: Azzizabad Branch, Federal "B" Area, Karachi, Pakistan.

You may send others Donations (Donation in kind), Cross Cheque / Postal Order / Pay Order / Bank Draf made payable to
Karwan-e-Khair Welfare Organization to following address.

Head Office:
Karwan-e-Khair Welfare Organization (Reg No. 356), R-436, Block-9, Dastagir Society, F.B. Area, Karachi - 75950, Pakistan.
Email: info@karwan-e-khair.org

Please remember to write your name and address on the back of the Cheque / Postal Order / Pay Order / Bank Draft, so that we can send you a receipt.

Note: Please do not send cash by post.

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