Karwan-e-Khair.org  Live Your Life On Purpose - Think Positive

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Who We Are

Naveed1  Karwan-e-Khair Welfare Organization (Regd.)“Established 23-Ramadan-1406Hijri   2-Jun-1986 Monday” under the trustworthy, sincere and honest services of Mr. Syed Naved Mustafa. Who happend to be saner minded and God fearing. The sole purpose had initially been to help the poor, under privileged and the down trodden people and so also who are engulfed by the natural calamities etc.  


Thus the people loving the humanity enriched around him and Mr. Syed Naved Mustafa managed to from a powerful and effective body to make his dream come true. 

Resultantly this organization by now includes doctors, engineers, student, philanthropists, organization of repute and sincere workers.

Karwan-e-Khair is now well known in every nook and corner of our society.

Karwan-e-Khair is a welfare organization of Pakistan seeking to promote sustainable economic and social development by working with local communities through relief and development programs working for the poor masses without consideration of cast, creet, color, religion and political affiliation.

The main sectors are involved in;
Area welfare,
Disaster response (Floods, Earthquake, Droughts),
Emergency relief,
Income generation,
Micro credit,
Sports, Plantation, Vocational Training,
Widows and  Orphan support.

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