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Image Gallery | Computer Centre & KKIT | Kalam Computer Institute July 19-2011

Kalam Computer Institute July 19–2011: Opening ceremony of 4th Karwan-e-khair Computer Institute took place, moreover English Language and Tuition Centre plus Sport Centre were inaugurated first time in the history of Kalam. There was a big program arranged on the ground in which lot of people were present.

Kalam Computer Institute July 19–2011

Kalam Computer Institute July 19–2011

Kalam Computer Institute July 19–2011

Kalam Computer Institute July 19–2011

Kalam Computer Institute July 19–2011

Kalam Computer Institute July 19–2011

Kalam Computer Institute July 19–2011

Kalam Computer Institute July 19–2011

Kalam Computer Institute July 19–2011

Kalam Computer Institute July 19–2011

Kalam Computer Institute July 19–2011

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