Pakistan Ranger's Mian Muhammad Yousaf School P.R.P.S "Saddau" March 21–2010: Pakistan Rangers is running a school namely Mian Muhammad Yousaf School and Dispensary at Saddau, located in Dist. Sanghar which is 70 kms away from ta’aluka Khipro. Saddau is a remote area, near PAK – INDIA international border right in the heart of desert. Inhabitants of the area are very poor and their only source of income is Goth farming. This area is deprived of all kinds of civic facilities including Roads, Electricity and Health care. Literacy rate of surrounding area is almost 0%. To promote education in the area parents have make to be concerned. After established SaddauRangersSchool a clear change in the attitude of young generation is visible. GOD blesses this noble cause.
Karwan-e-Khair were invited a visit on 21st March 2010 to the school by Lt. Col. Arshad Javed. Rangers and students warmly welcomed the team upon arrival with open hearts. They seemed cheerful and enjoying. Lt. Col Arshad pointed their uniforms which were gifted by the Karwan-e-Khair.
The program was started with recitation of Holy Quran and Hamd shareef followed by delivery of speeches on different topics both in Urdu and English from students. Their “tableau” was also enjoyable item in the last of the performances.
Shields were awarded to the best student. Karwan-e-Khair distributed Water bottles, Sports items, Stationery, Sweets & biscuits, Cloths and Flags of Pakistan among the students. They seemed very happy after receiving all these items.
The program was concluded with singing of National Anthem of PAKISTAN
Pakistan Rangers Mian Muhammad Yousaf School and Dispensary established in 6th January 2008.