Kalash Valley Bumburet Village Kandisar B.H.U Clinical Laboratory December 23–2011
Karwan-e-Khair donation Clinical Laboratory Equipments for Rural health Centre RHC Ayun August 15-2015
The Union council Ayun is one of the biggest UC of Distt Chitral,which consists of 4 valleys including Kalash valleys. Their boarder touches with Nooristan Afghanistan. 4 tribes are living together namely Khow, Gugur, Kalash and nooristani here in UC Ayun. Its total population is around 2800 including 4300 population of Kalash community. UC Ayun is one of the most beautiful and rich UC of Distt Chitral regarding to its natural resources i.e. water resources, minerals, medicinal, plants, forests, wild life,4 cropping pattern of environment, unique Kalash culture, cultivable lands and human resources. Despite of all these facts the UC Ayun is still deprived for all basic living facilities. Especially the health facilities, this area is having 2 dispensaries 1 basic health unit and one rural health center, the valleys emergencies patients usually referred to RHC Ayun, this area is very attractive for national and international tourists, it becomes very burden upon RHC Ayun, in peak season of summer when the diseases breaking out, it becomes very burden upon RHC Ayun for not being availably of medicines medical staffs and rough maintenance by the Govt.
Economically the local people are poor, most of the youths are jobless, very sheer number of people are doing Govt. and non Govt. jobs, the great number of people are seasonal labors and doing small businesses and the valleys inhabitants dependent on an agriculture and livestock.
As above mentioned facts and background. The Ayun valley is use as a terminal or another words use as a town of three valleys. The UC rural health center RHC is situated in Ayun valley, where all the emergencies patients from valleys’ referral health center. Still this RHC is depriving for all basic facilities of health like medicines, madical equipments ect. No emergency tray is available yet, if available then the required medicine is not available, in resulting the em ergencies patients referred to Chitral town, it becomes too expensive for the marginalized community. The local and national philanthropists provide some basic medicines in peak season on request, along with that local community has established a Hospital patient committee in order to facilitate the poor needy patients. Nevertheless these all strives and efforts the community is not able to continue this process perpetually. For the very minute madical test the people go for their test to Chitral town, which become very expensive for the poor people. To ensure the availability of different minute test the local political representative tried to get these facilities from Govt as well as from different NGOs, up to some extent they become successful, but no organizations were able to provide these lives saving machineries and medicines. Several times the community casualties happened due to unavailability of live saving medicines.