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Image Gallery | Widows Orphans Support | Kalam Eid Day With Orphans September 11-2010

Kalam Eid Day With Orphans September 11-2010: Karwan-e-Khair reached KALAM at 7am after 15 to 16 hours of continued travel on foot. As this was EID day we prayed EID Namaz at 8:30 am and celebrated Eid with Orphan Children, took lunch for them and distributed fitra , Eiddy, gifts among them.

Karwan-e-Khair believes in “Prevention is better than care” hand washing is essential as it prevents the transmission of germs that are often resistant to many antibiotics and can prove lethal, this was taught to children and others. Mr. Gulzar on the occasion said that in the community settings at homes, schools and where ever, hand hygiene is equally important. Many diseases such as  typhoid, hepatitis and diarrhea spread through the faecal-oral rout and hand washing after going to the toilet and before meal is a habit that should be deeply ingrained in people. Common cold and potentially deadly influenza viruses are also spread by hands; this was taught to children and others.

Karwan-e-Khair also arranged washing of hands of 70 children, soaps were distributed and rallies were carried out to highlight importance of hand washing.

Kalam Eid Day With Orphans September 11-2010

Kalam Eid Day With Orphans September 11-2010

Kalam Eid Day With Orphans September 11-2010

Kalam Eid Day With Orphans September 11-2010

Kalam Eid Day With Orphans September 11-2010

Kalam Eid Day With Orphans September 11-2010

Kalam Eid Day With Orphans September 11-2010

Kalam Eid Day With Orphans September 11-2010

Kalam Eid Day With Orphans September 11-2010

Kalam Eid Day With Orphans September 11-2010

Kalam Eid Day With Orphans September 11-2010

Kalam Eid Day With Orphans September 11-2010

Kalam Eid Day With Orphans September 11-2010

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