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Image Gallery | Aid Distribution | Hunza Disable Children Aid Distribution Nov. 11-2015

Hunza Disable Children Aid Distribution Nov. 11-2015

On 11 November 2015 Special Olympics Pakistan has conducted athletics and football inter school games atgovernment boys degree college, Aliabad, Hunza in collaboration with Karakurm Area Development Organization (KADO) and Aga Khan youth and Support Board, Hunza.

Mr. Arshad Javaid national sports director, special Olympic Pakistan delivered his well come speech and illustrated the games objectives to the audience and players.

Special Olympics Pakistan is an organization which is providing an opportunity for the intellectual disable persons above than 8 years to play game at national and international level.

On 10th November Special Olympics Pakistan team coached 20 volunteer coaches, how to coach games to intellectual disable persons whom will coach the intellectual disable person in the region.  

In his speech he said that intellectual disables people are the part of our society; he emphasized public – private institutions to involve this special segment in sports and games to avoid their societal alienation.

He acknowledged Karakurum Area Development Organization (KADO), which has been already working for their rehabilitation and skills enhancement from decades.  

In games 20 men and 10 women intellectual disables participated in the games from entire Hunza region, football and 25 meters, 50 meters and 100 meter races were include in the game.

In the end of the games all player were distributed best players cups while Karwan-e-Khair welfare organization, Karachi gifts distributed all special people in the game.

Hunza Disable Children Aid Distribution Nov. 11-2015

Hunza Disable Children Aid Distribution Nov. 11-201

Hunza Disable Children Aid Distribution Nov. 11-201

Hunza Disable Children Aid Distribution Nov. 11-201

Hunza Disable Children Aid Distribution Nov. 11-201

Hunza Disable Children Aid Distribution Nov. 11-201

Hunza Disable Children Aid Distribution Nov. 11-2015

Hunza Disable Children Aid Distribution Nov. 11-2015

Hunza Disable Children Aid Distribution Nov. 11-2015

Hunza Disable Children Aid Distribution Nov. 11-2015

Hunza Disable Children Aid Distribution Nov. 11-2015

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