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What We Do | Bachat Bazar

Bachat Bazar

On December 13-2000 Karwan-e-Khair participation in Army Bachat Bazaar. In the month of Ramzaan an "Army Bachat Bazaar" was organized under supervision of Karwan-e-Khair organization. Them was to provide commodities of daily use on cheaper prises to the peoples of the area.

Beside, such commodities were provided free of cost to the needy poor peoples. Bazar as heavilly visited by the peoples, who praise the idea.

On the occasion high officials e.g. Brig. Ayaz Mehmood Galani, Brig. Shahid Dawood Rajput, Col. Habib, Col. Muhammad Azam Khan, Major Azhar and also dignities of city management visisted the bazaar.

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