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What We Do | Fire Safety

Fire Safety

Fire Safety is a very important area that we all need to understand and practice. Without the extensive knowledge our families, our work and even our lives can suffer. Burns are among the most painful and disfiguring injuries a person can survive. In a matter of seconds, a burn can cause lifelong physical and emotional injury, especially in children.

Here you will find Fire Safety Brochures in many languages. Download print and use the brochures in order to help increase fire safety in your home, at work, schools and your neighborhood.

Fire Safety is a very important area that we all need to understand and practice. Without the extensive knowledge our families, our work and even our lives can suffer. Burns are among the most painful and disfiguring injuries a person can survive. In a matter of seconds, a burn can cause lifelong physical and emotional injury, especially in children.

Here you will find Fire Safety Brochures in many languages. Download print and use the brochures in order to help increase fire safety in your home, at work, schools and your neighborhood.

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