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What We Do | First Aid Training

First Aid Training

First Aid Emergency treatment for injury or sudden illness, before regular medical care is available

Purpose Of  First Aid

1.To save life. 2.To prevent further injury. 3. To preserve vitality and resistance to infection

Phases Of First Aid

 1. Self-aid

 2. Assistance from a companion

 3. Emergency treatment

 4. Initial surgery

 First Aid Rules 1. Do not get excited. First, check for danger and then check for responsiveness. Determine whether the victim is conscious. If the victim is conscious, ask him what happened and what is wrong now. If the victim is unconscious, proceed to check the airway, breathing and circulation. Commence resuscitation as appropriate.

2. Do not move injured victim unless it is necessary. If necessary to move a casualty, seek assistance if possible and handle gently.

3. Keep the victim lying down with his head level with his feet while being examined.

4. Keep the victim warm and comfortable. Remove enough clothing to get a clear. To get a clear idea to get a clear idea to the extent of the injury.

5. Examined the victim gently. Threat the most urgent injuries first and then treat the most urgent injuries first and then treat the other injuries to the best of your ability.

6. Avoid allowing the victim to see his own injury. Assure him that his condition is understood and that he will receive good care.

7. Do not try to give any solid or liquid substance by mouth to an unconscious victim nor to a victim who has sustained an injury.

8. Do not touch open wounds or burns with fingers or other objects except when sterile compresses or bandages are not available and it is absolutely necessary to stop bleeding.

9. Do not try to arouse an unconscious person.

10. Seek medical attention immediately.

First Aid Advice Everyone should learn basic first aid techniques. You never know when you might need them - you could be at home, at work, at school or on holiday.

Whether it's a minor situation or something more serious, first aid knowledge will give you the confidence to act. You could be the difference between life and death

Take A First Aid Course We believe that it’s absolutely unacceptable that so many people die needlessly – because no one could give them first aid when they needed it.

Karwan-e-khair  teaches people first aid -so that they can be the difference between a life lost and a life saved.

We teach young people in schools and through our activities for young people.

We teach people in the workplace and provide first aid products.

We teach people in the community.

And we teach people who become our volunteers, who offer their skills and time to be the difference right in the heart of their community – at public events, first responders or back up to local ambulance services.

As a charity, we’re committed to making sure more people can be the difference between a life lost and a life saved. To do that, we need your help

Our Vision Is Everyone who needs it should receive first aid from those around them. No one should suffer for the lack of trained first aiders.

Our Mission Is To provide an effective and efficient charitable first aid service to local communities

To provide training and products to satisfy first aid and related health and safety needs for all of society

To encourage personal development for people of all ages, through training and by membership of our organisation.

Support Us Together, we can reduce the number of people who die unnecessarily. We need your help to teach more people first aid and to keep making the difference between a life lost and a life saved. Please support our charitable work.

There are many ways in which you can help us

Your company could become a corporate sponsor or partner – and help your employees become the difference.

Young People We believe that every young person should have the opportunity to learn basic life saving skills.

Karwan-e-Khair offers all young people the opportunity to participate in our youth groups, whether you’re aged five or 25.

If you're aged between five and 10, you can join Badgers. Learn first aid, have fun and you could even become a Super Badger!

10 to 16-year-olds can become Cadets. You’ll get the best first aid training, and a wide choice of other activities. You'll never be stuck for something to do.

And if you’re in higher education, you can join LINKS.

If you're older, but you have what it takes to inspire young people, we have vacancies for youth leaders.

Teachers Find out about our engaging teaching resources and how we can work with your


Schools We want every young person to have the opportunity to learn basic life saving skills at school. Give your pupils the chance to learn first aid skills so they can be the difference between a life lost and a life saved.

Training Courses We are the first aid and health and safety trainer of choice for hundreds of thousands of companies, local authorities, other organisations, and members of the public.

With thousands of training courses across the country, including Risk assessment, Fire marshal, Moving and handling, and a suite of first aid courses to suit any training needs, we enable hundreds of thousands of people to be the difference in their workplace - and outside of work - to protect their colleagues, family, friends, and members of the community.

Donate now - help us stop lives being lost needlessly

Basic first aid knowledge saves lives. Donate today and be the difference between life and death by supporting our volunteers and helping us provide more people with basic life saving knowledge.


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