Karwan-e-Khair.org  Live Your Life On Purpose - Think Positive

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What We Do | Health


Healthy people are simply a pre-requisite for a healthy community which is able to help it self out of poverty.

In Pakistan health facilities to the poor people in general and to the people of rural areas in particular are very rate. The situation cab be judged from the fact that according to government of statistics only one doctor is available for 1359 persons, one dentist for 25107 peoples, one nurse for 3175 and one hospital bed for 1540 persons. The available facilities are not only very expensive but also not reachable to poor.

The need for primary health increase in emergency situation natural calamities destroyed health care infrastructure in devastated areas of the country in previous years. Due to insufficient health care facilities, hospitals unable to cope with the huge number of people requiring emergency medical care and basic medical treatment.

Karwan-e-Khair keeping in view the disaster and emergency situation arrange Medical camps and delivered medicines to needy.

Karwan-e-Khair established Clinical Laboratory, Medical Centres and also arrange Medical camps, for regular medical care in peacetime in collaboration with different partners not only in Karachi but also in remote areas with in Pakistan such as Kashmir, Allai, Kalam, Kaghan, Kalash, Thar etc. 

Polio Campaign

Polio, also called Poliomyelitis is a highly contagious infectious disease caused by one of three related viruses. Polio is a very serious disease, which can lead to paralysis or even death. Once a person is exposed to polio, it usually takes about three to five days for symptoms appear.

Ambulance Service

Do you have a LIFE emergency?

Do you have a patient that needs to be moved quickly?

Do you have a family member needing to go to an appointment or home?

Do you have a Critical patient that needs to be transferred?

We can help...We do it all...


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