Karwan-e-Khair.org  Live Your Life On Purpose - Think Positive

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Where We Work | SINDH | Karachi

Karachi is capital of province Sindh as well as the largest and most populous metropolitan city of Pakistan and the main seaport and financial centre of the country. Karachi is also known as the Uroos ul Bilaad "The Bride of the Cities" and the "City of Lights, as City of Lights mainly due to city's night life, for which it is famous as the city which never sleeps.

The city is located on the Arabian Sea coastline and the "City of the Quaid", having been the birth and burial place of Quaid-e-Azam, the Great Leader, Muhammad Ali Jinnah, the founder of Pakistan.


Computer Centre

Karachi Computer Institute On Aug 14–1990: Opening ceremony of 1st Karwan-e-khair Computer Institute took place.

Bachat Bazar

Army Bachat Bazar On December 13-2000 Karwan-e-Khair participation in Army Bachat Bazaar. In the month of Ramzaan an "Army Bachat Bazaar" was organized under supervision of Karwan-e-Khair organization. Them was to provide commodities of daily use on cheaper prises to the peoples of the area.

Beside, such commodities were provided free of cost to the needy poor peoples. Bazar as heavilly visited by the peoples, who praise the idea.

On the occasion high officials e.g. Brig. Ayaz Mehmood Galani, Brig. Shahid Dawood Rajput, Col. Habib, Col. Muhammad Azam Khan, Major Azhar and also dignities of city management visited the bazaar.

Area welfare

Area welfare porjects are still going (Plantation of  Trees, providing dugs for children and swings etc) Address plates, sports activities are also going on. Karwan-e-Khair install / fix Number plates  at  the end of every lane / block and Boards located areas ( with the name of ALLAH ) in various areas of the country, Where the passes-byes could easily located their destination or required house and area without losing time and wasting energy.

Aid Distribution

Aid Distribution: Karwan-e-Khair is in practice; to disburse new Blankets, Jackets, un-stitched clothes among the poor and needy persons through out the year. Especially this practice is increased in Ramzan-ul-Mubarak. Therefore, all peoples are requested to kindly point out the persons who are in needs.

Blood Donor's Club

Blood Donor's Club: Karwan-e-Khair Blood Donor Club established in the year 1996. The objective behind the establishment of Blood Donor Club was to provide safe blood to the patient’s community. Factories, organizations, educational institutes and common men and women are included in Karwan-e-Khair blood donor’s club and the needy peoples are increasing day by day. Its basic theme to collect the blood by camping and provide to its members on requirement.

Blood Donor Camps

Blood Donor Camps: Karwan-e-Khair arrange several Blood Donor Camps. Karwan-e-Khair arrange several three Blood Donor Camps in the premises of Peoples Steel Mills Ltd.

Polio Campaign

Polio Campaign Oct 10 – 2000; Polio, also called Poliomyelitis is a highly contagious infectious disease caused by one of three related viruses. Polio is a very serious disease, which can lead to paralysis or even death. Once a person is exposed to polio, it usually takes about three to five days for symptoms appear.

Medical Camps

Medical Camps: Karwan-e-Khair arranged several Medical Camps in Karachi.

Tree Plantation

Tree Plantation: Karwan-e-Khair regularly participiates in Tree Plantation Campaign to create awareness among masses for planting more saplings and to create awareness about cleaner and green world.During free plantation compaign we are being supported by all masses of life i.e. High Officials, Civilians, Student, etc.


Sports could be defined as "Activity with a purpose which provides enjoyment". Sport is a means of getting that extra physical activity and raising the general level of physical fitness in a way that is enjoyable but also gives extra strength, stamina, and suppleness to get more out of life. We provide Badminton , Wally boll , basketball , football ,cricket kid bag , table tennis , etc. Time by time we organized tournaments in which teams of different areas participates.

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